Drools Absolute Calcium Chewable Tablet


Rs. 212.00


  1. Drools Absolute Calcium Tablet are highly palatable, semi-moist tablet ful?lling the calcium and phosphorous de?ciency of your dog. Adequate amount of calcium improves dental and joint health by making bones and teeth stronger.
  2. Why do dogs need to add calcium? 
  3. Calcium is essential for your dogs bones and teeth. -
  4. Calcium deficiency causes rickets, osteoporosis & physical weakness thus, appropriate amount calcium is essntial in your dog's diet. Vitamin D3 helps body absorb calcium. These two vital nutrients work together to provide healthy bones and teeth. Apart from bones they also provide additional support for other bodily functions. Thus Vitamin D3 and calcium improves overall health.
  5. Key features:
  6. Active & Agile: A calcium de?cient dog is weak and may have painful deformities. Absolute Calcium Dog Supplement promotes bone health and makes your dog active and strong.
  7. Lactating Mothers/ Pregnant Dogs: An expecting mother in her last trimester of pregnancy requires high quantity of calcium. Similarly, a mother nursing a large litter of puppies also needs extra calcium for better health. Thus, supplement of calcium is necessary.
  8. Calcium De?ciency: Weakness, fatigue and tremors are a few signs of calcium de?ciency. A proper balance of calcium and phosphorus helps healthy bone growth and development. Absolute Calcium Dog Supplement is enriched with essential ingredients which maintains dental health of your dog.
  9. Buy dog calcium tablets from nutanpetshop, the online pet store.