SkyEc Pet Producer Improve Fertility Syrup


Rs. 351.00


  1. Pet Producer
  2. Improves Fertility

  3. Composition
  4. Each 15ml contains
  5. Withania Somnifera : 200mg
  6. Asparagus Racemosus : 200mg
  7. L-Arginine Hydrochloride : 1 g
  8. Natural supplemental therapy without steroids / hormone.

  9. In Male Dogs
  10. Erectile dysfunction.
  11. Improves fertility in male dogs who have low sperm counts or poor sperm motility.
  12. Reduces fatigue and revitalizes the body.

  13. In Female Dogs
  14. Improves fertility by normalizing hormone levels.
  15. Improves milk secretion during lactation.
  16. Decreases the abortion.
  17. Helps in sexual maturity (heat).

  18. Direction For Use
  19. For Male & Female dogs  : 15ml twice a day (0.5ml per kg body weight twice daily)
  20. For Male Dogs  : Start 15 days before mating, until the mating process completed.
  21. For Regular Stud Dogs  : Give daily for better results
  22. For Female Dogs  : Start 1st day of heat till 30 days
  23. Unusual & Abnormal heat cycles female dogs  : Give daily for 1 year (or) Until it gets normalized

  24. Available at
  25. 200ml

  26. Buy dog Medicine from nutanpetshop the Pet Store.