Vacaid Multivitamin Drops For Dogs


Rs. 171.00


  1. Usage : For flatulence, colic and dyspepsia
  2. During stress due to :
  3. -Vaccination -De-worming -Change of weather -Change of place (Travel) -Loud sounds -Convalescence.

  4. Feeding Schedule :Use feeding dropper or spoon
  5. Pups : 7-12 drops twice a day
  6. Small breeds: 15-20 drops twice a day
  7. Large Breeds : 20-30 drops twice a day
  8. Cats : 8-10 drops twice a day or as directed by the Veterinarian.
  9. 10 drops = 1 ml. Approx.

  1. Buy dog Medicines & Supplements from Nutanpetshop the Pet Store.