Sihil Pharma Ketopet Ketoconazole 200mg Tablet


Rs. 180.00


  1. Composition:
  2. Each tablet  contains Ketoconazole 200mg Ketoconazole is an anti-fungal drug
  3. Effective against fungal infections of skin, Lymph nodes, nails and respiratory systems, bones and other parts of body.

  4. Mode of Action: It acts by inhibition of production of fungal cell wall making fungus structurally inadequate so that it leaks and dies.If also inhibits there production of fungus.It also blocks the synthesis of cortisone in adrenal glands and so it is very effective in the treatment of Cushing Syndrome.
  5. Precautions: Don’t give medication to pregnant, lactating and puppies less then 6 months and also pets affected with liver disease.

  6. Indications: Ketopet is indicated for the treatment of malassezia Dermatitis, Dermoatophytosis, Aspergillosis, Cryptococcus, Coccidiomycosis, Histoplasmosis, Blastomycosis. It can be used along with immune modulatory drugs like Cyclosporin to reduce the dose of it.