Sihil Pharma Thrombofit Syrup


Rs. 297.00


  1. Thrombofit: is a Therapeutic Boon for the treatment of "Thrombocytopenia" condition in Pets due to Tick
  2. fever, Worm infestations and also in infective diseases. It is also recommended for improving RBC
  3. & Hb content. It improves Platelet counts in within normal Level 3 to 4 weeks of giving Thrombofit to
  4. Dogs & Cats

    1. Composition: Carica Papaya - Vitis Viniferra -Emblica officinalis - Terminalia bellirica Terminalia
    2. chebula - ocimum sanctum - Withania somniferra.

    3. Each 10 ml Contains: Carica papaya leaf extract -300 mg.
    4. The other ingredients extracts contains -1000mg.

    5. Dose: Daily recommended dose of Carica papaya is 20mg/kg b.wt. for 3 to 4 weeks in Dogs.
    6. For small breeds 10 ml daily.
    7. Medium breeds - 20ml daily.
    8. Large Breeds - 30ml daily.
    9. The dose can be given as single dose or divided into two dose once in morning and evening.
    10. Thrombofit is also indicated for cats, ornamental birds and sheep and Goats. The dose is similar to dogs.