Sihil Pharma Birds Need Supplement


Rs. 90.00


Birds Need Is a very special feed and water supplement for ornamental birds. Its an unique blend of Fat soluble Vitamins, Water soluble vitamins predigested Essential and Non Essential Amino acids. Its recommended for Love Birds, Pigeons, Parrots, African Grey. Amazon, Budgeriger (Parakeet), Cockatiel,
Cockatoo birds of their well being & colourful feathers.

Composition: It's a blend of concentrated Vitamins and amino acids with Anti oxidants.

Dose: 0.5 ml to 1 ml per kg. b. wt. Detailed dose is given in the leaflet insert with the product.

Directions for use: The most preferred method of giving Birds Need is through.
Drinking water. Detailed directions is insert. For any stress condition or disease situations Birds Need is given for minimum 3 to 5 days. Birds need can be given as regular supplement for the well being of the birds.

Benefits of Birds Need
Improves General Health of birds Improves Immunity Improves the breeding effciency, Egg production, Fertility rate etc.,Supports Healthy, brilliant coloured feather formations.